Preval Sprayer 3005 Vgrip

Sale price$10.31


Features and Benefits:

  • Take the pain out of spraying aerosols.(tm) Daily aerosol users (Professional or Do-it-yourselfers) may experience pain to parts of the actuating finger(s) which can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers, similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition in which there is long term pressure on the users median nerve.
  • Ease of use. The vGrip handle and trigger work perfectly even when your protective work gloves are still on your hand(s) as they were meant to be, and not pulled off and stuffed in your back pocket.
  • Aerosol Handling: The handle allows users to keep fingers away from caustic chemicals, solvent and oil based paints, dangerous fixitives and more. The vGrip also limits the potential for severe frostbite depending upon propellant composition.

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